Thursday, August 16, 2012

Today is a look forward, back, and side-wise. It is a speculation on a future as yet unformed. All of the past ceased to exist when the present moment came into existence, and all of tomorrow can never exist for this moment in time is all that can exist. Embracing this truth means knowing that everything before this breath reaches the bottom of my lungs has faded as fog to the morning sun, and all that I can be, have, do, think, and will must be chosen within the space of that breath. That knowledge is mighty and terrifying in its entirety, for I must choose well or continue to hide from disturbing consequences that greet me each moment of the rest of my life.


  1. This thought impacts me so often...I love how you paint it so vividly... 'All of the past ceased to exist when the present moment came into existence, and all of tomorrow can never exist for this moment in time is all that can exist.' Yes!
    I tried to impress the wonder and value of a moment on my son yesterday...he is 14. I'm not sure if he understood but it spawned a poem Time-travel posted yesterday:)

  2. I have say, Janet, that this one reality, this one consideration regarding life, can bring a person to a full stop if they comprehend what it means.

    Whether that pause for comprehension changes anything in the person's life depends on how seriously the thought is taken. I wish that everyone could stop long enough in their schedules to take a long look at that concept. I wonder how the world would change if everyone lives by that knowledge.

    Would it be for the better or not? I certainly can't say. I'm glad you liked what I did with this. Thank you for your kind words. I hope your son did take note and lets the thought trickle down into the recesses of his mind to impact his future, whenever that may be.
