Sunday, January 15, 2012

Off the Horse and Out of the Saddle

Ever wondered what you'd do with your time without sitting in front of a monitor all day, gathering info, visiting on Facebook, submitting your writing to those editors waiting with nervous anticipation for your word gems?

I've found out for myself. My computer--the laptop--decided a few days ago to no longer tolerate the probing fingers of the Internet. It stolidly refuses to consider the situation from my POV. Instead, it's become silent, unrepentant, and does the neener-neener when I so much as look in its direction.

My desktop computer, which I prefer using, has not allowed itself to make an attachment to our Internet provider since we moved back into this complex. So, here I sit without my own access. Yes, I can use Jo's computer for an hour a day while she's busy elsewhere, but that's barely enough time to deal with emails and notify those who need to know that I won't be around for a while.

As for what I'm doing with my time, I'm working on other projects, studying, and taking the time to read. It's like a vacation. My stress level dropped to acceptable levels after the second day of computer access withdrawal. This morning I sat doing cross-stitch on a table cloth that I'd put away last year--or was that two years ago? It doesn't matter.

I sat stitching, feeling as if I belonged in the past, in a different era. I took note of the fact that my entire thinking process had slowed down. I perceived myself differently, too. There seemed to be a gentleness to the scene that wouldn't have been there if I was doing something else. It was truly an odd sensation.

At that point I had to ask myself if we all become different people, complete with a shift in personality and attitude, by being forced to find something less 21st Century to do with some of our time. What do you think? Are we different people when we occupy ourselves with a different set of activities unrelated to those we normally pursue?

I must close this for the present. I've almost used up my allotted borrowed computer time. Hopefully, I'll be up and running normally by the end of this next week. Wish me luck and money remaining in the wallet when this sojourn into the past is finished.

Take care, all, and God bless. Until I return, remember old



  1. A while back we had almost 7 days of no electricity. Day one was horrible for me. What about all those emails that HAD To get out. What about my FB updates and blogs and and and. Day two I found a book I had put aside and sat in the sunlight for hours just reading, in the peaceful quiet. Day 3 I opened up a puzzle of 1000 pieces. Day 4-7 were simply lovely days of nothingness. The internet and electronic gadgets were suppose to make our lives easier and they seem to have done the opposite. I have more to do in less time now. Now instead of just mail to go through, and a phone to answer, I have faxes, and emails and comments to add into the mix. I miss the simple quiet.


  2. Isn't it amazing how easily we can slip back into a do nothing, hedonistic attitude and then crave what we're not doing? Fortunately for me, I have so many other interests that my problem is in choosing which one to spend my time on.

    Keep writing those books of yours, Court. Be sure that I'm in at least one of them. Ooo, can I be the wicked witch--er, sorceress? Please? I've never been one of those anywhere, though some might argue that point.


  3. I'm not sure you can be a wicked anything, Claudsy. I do hope you enjoy the time away from the grind, and that you are able to get back to it when you need to.

  4. Aw, bless you heart. I do have my days, as do we all. I think of myself being the villainess, like actors yearning to be the villain in that next Lucas film or Scorsese (sp) blockbuster. I wouldn't seriously apply for the job out here in the real world. Although...

    Glad you could stop by, Ellen. Hope to see you again soon.

