Thursday, March 17, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up

The last few days have been lazy ones for me—totally unrelated to writing, or socializing, for that matter. It had nothing to do with desire for solitude or lack of ideas. Rather, it had to do with chaos and instability of direction for those days.
Sounds gloomy, doesn’t it? It wasn’t. Instead, the hours have been used for reading and contemplation. I studied part of the time, both books on writing and those for pleasure. Of those for pleasure I managed to use those for study as well. I studied what it was about those particular writers and their stories which kept my attention and how the story’s construction was done.
I must admit that I can only do the latter type of study on books that I know really well. If I like a new story, my only attention is on the story itself, not on its construction. The only thing that will stop my eyes from their scanning is a typo or awkward sentence, etc.
I’m also readying to get a card for the local library. I'm staying with cousins in a small town, you see. They have a credible library that has a wonderful children’s section. I spent a couple of hours in that section just the other day. Soon I’ll go in, present my IDs and get my very own card to the local book lender.
I’ve been collecting library cards for many years now. I have several. I’ve always considered the possession of a library card to be the official citizenship ID. It may not stand up in the legal system, but without it, a prospective book borrower is doomed to failure.
I may only be here for another month or so, but I will have access to resources that I can’t carry around in the car with us. That’s a real plus. Besides, I like the smell of libraries.
Clouds and rain showers kept photo ops to a minimum these last few days. Jo did get to shoot a wedding last weekend, which was a bonus for her. She got to be in the wedding and shoot part of it. She had a great time doing that.
We did take the opportunity to go down to Honor Heights Park in Muskogee one day. That park celebrates the entire month of April each year with their Azalea Festival. Several years ago severe ice storms early in the year decimated the park and its largest shrub and tree specimens. Those in charge have replanted since and the park fairly bristled with visitors the day we spent time there.
Resident ducks and geese favored those making free with goodie bags with their attention. Quacks and honks kept the air filled with sound. Children ran and played while parents looked on. Other families gathered for picnics at tables dotting the grounds.
Early summer has come to Oklahoma. It was 78 deg. here today and in the mid-90s in OK’s far SW corner. Tomorrow we’re supposed to be in the low 80s here and warmer south of us. Everyone else’s mild spring is the beginning of summer here. It’s the same nearly every year.
That’s the local report from NE Oklahoma. I have done little writing, though there’s been plenty of planning. The next week may prove very productive. I hope so.
Here’s hoping your week has been to your liking, everyone. Take care, study hard, and have fun.
Until later,

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