Sunday, August 26, 2012

Getting a New Home

Ready for a move?
Sad as I am to say it, there's excitement, too. Claudsy's Calliope has moved to a new locale with new sights and sounds and adventures galore.

Regular readers know that it's been difficult for me to keep up with Calliope and Claudsy's Blog, plus Two Voices, One Song, in recent weeks. 

That aspect is, hopefully, going to be remedied with this move. Calliope and Claudsy's Blog have found a new home within the body of Two Voices, One Song so that readers and I can have a bit of one stop shopping for things to read, learn, and enjoy.

For instance, you'll be happy to know that I did, finally, get my office quasi-organized. I'll be giving a complete report on that in a few weeks or so. I found my whole desk area. Soon I'm going to completely redo my room so that I'll have an entirely new work space. I really do need to do the Feng Shui thing in here and I'm looking forward to it.

I'm going to do some serious work on getting manuscripts out the door to agents/publishers. I have two nearly ready to go and will have to concentrate on them more than I've done this past month. That's the main purpose in moving the blogs to Two Voices.

And there you have it. I won't be any more difficult to find. There will be more there to read on the entire site, and who knows, you might find even more to see and do while you're there.

All of the readers of Calliope deserve a hearty thank you from me. THANK YOU ALL. You've been coming here for a long time and I appreciate your loyalty and attendance. I hope you'll take your viewing time over to Two Voices, One Song as well. The address is easy.

Hope to see you there. Until then,


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Today is a look forward, back, and side-wise. It is a speculation on a future as yet unformed. All of the past ceased to exist when the present moment came into existence, and all of tomorrow can never exist for this moment in time is all that can exist. Embracing this truth means knowing that everything before this breath reaches the bottom of my lungs has faded as fog to the morning sun, and all that I can be, have, do, think, and will must be chosen within the space of that breath. That knowledge is mighty and terrifying in its entirety, for I must choose well or continue to hide from disturbing consequences that greet me each moment of the rest of my life.