Many writers have multiple websites for
multiple purposes. I’m no different, though some blogs are far more active than
others. There is, of course, Calliope here, and Claudsy’s Blog over on
Wordpress, and Trailing Inspirations on Wordpress.
Tomorrow another site will be added to
the arsenal, albeit with a twist. I’ve entered into a joint venture with Meena
Rose of “The Eyes of Meena Rose” fame. This new site is called “Two Voices, One
Song” and will launch officially tomorrow.
Within that site’s framework will be
many offerings; each unique and, hopefully, enticing. For the time being, I
will continue to post here every few days, as well as on the other sites. It’s
my hope that the cross pollination of content between sites will keep our
readers (that includes all of you, my friends) contented and engaged.
We’re inviting our regular readers to
take a short tour of “Two Voices, One Song” to get a feel of the new place and
a brief understanding of our mission. From short memoir to Flash Fiction,
articles to brainstorming sessions, philosophy discussions to poetry, and lots
of other subjects in between, our new playground will have something for
I encourage all of you to go over there
and nose around. Find the hidey holes, the nooks and crannies. See if you think
it’s going to be a fun stop over each day for a different perspective. Then
come here and tell me how you like what you see, whether you have a suggestion
or not.
We’ll be adding more and more links to
new engagement opportunities each week. This is a constantly evolutionary
process for Meena and I. I hope you’ll find it as exciting as we do.
I’ll see you here tomorrow for the
Official Grand Announcement of our launch of “Two Voices, One Song.” Be sure to
tell all of your friends about this new venture, too. We welcome all who enter
our front door.
Until then, stay tuned.